AcuMap Tutorials
5. Flashcard

5. Flashcard

September 10, 2024
6 min read


The flashcards integrate essential information required for Acupoint studies. At the anatomical structures and supplementary tools mentioned within the Acupoint flashcards can be instantly summoned and displayed, boosting learning efficiency.
You can select a acupoint to open its Flashcard, which displays its related information and functions. Acupoint property, position, Locating and anatomy

[fs-toc-h2]Location Ruler

For acupoints that require proportional bone measurement, the flashcards also provide a location ruler or nearby acupoints, helping users easily understand the relationships between acupoints.

[fs-toc-h2]Acupoint Property

Many Acupoints have their unique properties such as Bu-Xie, Five Elements, Back-Shu, Xi, Leo, Yuan, Mu or dangerous points. Other properties can be located in the flashcard

  • Dangerous Point
  • Bu / Xie
  • Five Elements:
    • Earth
    • Fire
    • Metal
    • Water
    • Wood
  • Special Points:
    • Primary (Yuan) Point
    • Luo Point
    • Eight Confluent
    • Back-Shu Point
    • Cleft (Xi) Point
    • Mu point
    • Well Point
    • Spring Point
    • Stream Point
    • River Point
    • Sea Point

[fs-toc-h2]Intelligence Marker

Users can save their current needle placement and data for each Acupoint. Intelligence marker fosters collaborative discussions in VR, allowing users to share and analyze their techniques and approaches

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September 10, 2024
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AcuMap Tutorials

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